creating sprites

shooltzsaver reads two file formats: bmp and avi. if you have any application that can render some three-dimensional object and write file in these formats (ulead systems' cool 3d is a fine example), you can use it to create your own sprites. use 'sprites' tab of the control center window to load your productions into shooltzsaver.

to create spectacular effects (like the images above) you can use the pov-ray (available free from follow these steps:

  1. download the (140 kb) with tools and source pov files for almost all sprites from gallery. decompress the downloaded file. it contains the following files: sprite.ini (pov-ray settings), aviglue.exe and bmpglue.exe (utilities for assembling frame bitmaps into single sprite file) and pov-ray scene files with pov extension.

  2. use sprite.ini file as render settings, select desired sprite size and frame count.

  3. create your own scene or modify downloaded examples.

  4. select 'render' command, pov-ray will write a sequence of bmp files on disk. bmpglue will be invoked automatically after rendering to produce one large sprite bitmap

  5. (optional) reduce sprite bitmap color depth using any graphical editor or other utility. this step is required if you plan to use 256 color mode.

  6. your sprite is ready now. run shooltzsaver and press right mouse button to open control center window.

    activate the 'sprites' tab in the control center window. enter the sprite file name and press 'apply' button. you should see your sprites floating on the screen

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